Tuesday, November 22, 2011


I don't know if anyone really reads me here but I've moved to another site, just within the last 5 minutes so really don't feel like you are missing anything if you do still read.
http://talesfromafrazzledmom.blog.com/ You can find me there, I'm still trying to get the hang of things.

See you there...or maybe I wont. Either way, Ciao!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Magical Unicorn School

S0 since my last post I've lost some weight and gained some weight but I'm currently at 149, Not great but it's something woooo.

Anywho, we've packed up, left the island, and found ourselves in town where the population is under 1,700. Mostly farms and woods. I'm loving it :-)

We have settled into a beautiful 4 bedroom house on 8.3 acres of what used to be a horse farm! The layout is a little weird, but I don't care. We are renting at the moment but our landlord is

pretty awesome and is quick to get things fixed.

There are no Pre-K's here so my daughter is now being home schooled, she has dubbed our little school at home : Magical Unicorn School.
She is doing really well so far. My son (who just turned two), is also enjoying
learning new things. I got him his own little work book to scribble in.

They enjoy it! Last week we made a volcano and a lava light!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Phones, weight stuff, and other things

Alright, this update is brought to you today by my frazzlestastic phone. What does 'frazzletastic' mean you ask, well it means my phone makes me as frazzled as my kids do. It freezes, shuts off, and heck the speaker is going out, I haven't even had it a year (Samsung captivate). Oh well, in about 6 business days I should have a replacement huzzah!!!

So my bff started weight watchers less then a year ago and she has lost almost 70lbs!!!! I am so proud of her. Her hubby and I went halves and bought her a Wii fit for her Birthday!  She is my new hero!

I was so inspired by her that I thought it was high time I shed this baby weight, so I started working out on the Wii fit as well...I'm having a love/hate relationship with it however. Love working out, hate seeing my weight bounce up and down. I gave myself a 3 month goal and here I am on week 3 and I'm at the same weight I started at.

It's all family I'm telling ya! "Come overeat delicious food at our cookout" or " I made several different types of cookies you must sample them" sheesh. Seriously though, I need to watch what I eat. I'm an emotional eater and it kills me. I'm not yet overweight but I'm pretty close. Diabetes runs in my family and I need to stop eating the sweets I hide from the kids.

I thought maybe I'd share my weight loss journey with ya'll.

So 5'6" and 154.1lbs and I've been bouncing between 155.5 and 151 since I started.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Long time no update.

Looking for great country gifts?! Christmas is just around the corner
Why not buy your Christmas presents at

First I have to say R.I.P Mr. Cunningham and June Cleaver. I remember watching Happy Days and Leave it to Beaver on TV land, Just three days ago I introduced my daughter to Leave it to beaver on Netflix :-(

The other night my son decided to pull an all nighter, I think I got about 1.5 hours of sleep the entire night. Luckily my wonderful husband let me go to sleep when he woke up around 9 a.m
When I awoke around 12:30 the house was empty. My dear husband had taken both the kids out for a walk and then to the grocery store and left me a to do list that had things like "Take a bath and read a book" and "Do something to make yourself laugh" so on and so forth, he really is wonderful.

When last night rolled around however, I was still tired from only getting three hours of sleep the previous afternoon that I almost fell asleep during Dancing With The Stars, thankfully I have a dvr and recorded it.
The dances weren't boring mind you, I just have a comfy couch and was exhausted.

I'm not sure who I am rooting for, they are all amazing. Though I will admit the previous dancers were far from great and after the way Michael Bolton talked to Chelsea Hightower, if I had been a fan he would've lost me right there.

My Son is keeping me on my toes these days, last year when my daughter was in preschool he wasn't mobile and I had time to relax. Now however he is crawling all over and standing up while holding on to things, and walking while holding on to things. He's started blowing kisses, waving, clapping his hands, and raising his arms up to say hooray!! I can't believe it he going to be a year old in 18 days.

My daughter is going to be four in January and she is a little ball of fire. She is so smart, she is constantly asking questions or telling us about things and using words that most ten year olds don't even know how to use. She also had a attitude that could rival any fifteen year old. She plays so well with her brother. I am one lucky Mama.

Even thoug

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thanks Free Realm! What a swell group you are. NOT

I've played Free Realms for a little over a year now and I gotta say I loved it, I really did. It turned into a nice luxury for me, the kids would go down for nap or for bed and then I get the dishes or laundry done and hop on Free Realms.

Well I decided yesterday since I had a little cash that I'd splurge a little on myself and buy a $5 station card. I put little man in the moby wrap and held my daughters hand and we walked to the 7-11 around the corner ok so we went for juice and I saw the card and thought, why not I deserve a nice treat right?!

I got home scratched the back off with a penny to find, no code. So I send them a message along with a photo of the back of the card and they tell me I have to take it back to the store. Ok no problem.

So this morning we went back to the store where I was told "Sorry it's already been scratched off you can't return or exchange it"
Well son of a gun, this just sucks.

So I send another message into free realms today and I include a copy of the receipt that not only has my name on it so they can verify that it's my account, but also the date and the price of the card.

They in return tell me they will not put the station cash in my account, then in not so many words accused me of lying to them by saying the card was probably used on another account.

Really free realms, really?! I've been a loyal player on there site. I spent money to get that card, and sure maybe to free realms $5 isn't anything because they make millions of dollars a month. However to me $5 is a lot. Had I known I was going to get screwed over because the card I bought didn't have the code on the back, I never would have bought it.

Well Shame on you Free Realms. I will no longer be playing your game, I'll be sure to let my friends who do play know what happened and well, whoever else reads this blog has been warned.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Splinters are evil things

I'm terrible at updating this thing, but I figured if I didn't update soon the blog police would come arrest me and then throw me in blogger jail.

My three year old daughter recently got a splinter in her foot. Not sure if it was from the deck at her great-aunt and uncles house or if it was from wood chips at the playground. I can't say that I'm surprised she got a splinter in the first place.

I know some of you are thinking "Hey frazzled mom, keep shoes on that kid" Well let me tell you this 1) It's summer, who the heck wants shoes on in the summer time?! Unless I'm going somewhere, my shoes don't touch my feet. 2) My daughter has recently decided to become a nudist, I have a hard enough time trying to keep underwear on the kid.

But I digress, the child had/has a splinter in her foot. The first night we attempted to remove it was a long night. I spent about an hour trying to get my son to sleep, finally succeeded only to come down stairs for my husband to tell me about the evil splinter.
So we turned on a kids show, and I had my daughter lay across my lap and my husbanded proceeded to remove the splinter. Boy did she ever scream and flail, I thought for sure someone would call the cops on us. After an hour my husband got most of the splinter out, but due to little one kicking her feet half the splinter broke and part of it was still lodged in her foot. We get her calm and happy and finally to sleep.

We gave her a night to cool off and then proceeded last night after getting little man off to bed. This time she, the memory of the first night still fresh in her mind, my daughter started screaming before anyone even touched her foot. This time she added to the processes by screaming and pointing to my husband telling him "Your a bad dad" poor guy, then she screamed at me "You're not my best friend, no one is my friend" This lasted for over an hour as her screams continued to wake her brother up till I smartened up and turned the air conditioner on upstairs, worked like a charm, a little white noise was all he needed.
My husband got almost the rest of the splinter out.

So unfortunately we have another night of trying to remove that splinter, if we fail it may be time to bring her to the Dr. and let him work his magic.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ok whose slipping me caffeine?!

This kid, this crazy crazy son of mine. There is something seriously wrong with his internal clock. I've finally gotten him to sleep in his own bed at night and well Friday night he woke every four hours and then thanks to his sister hollering up the stairs, he decided to get up at three a.m

Tonight...er last night he slept six hours straight and then as soon as it hit three he woke up, I got him back to sleep twice but his hands instinctively go to his face and head and his rubs or scratches and wakes himself up.

So I tried to put him in bed next to me and the child just blew bubbles on my boob and kicked me repeatedly till I got up.

Something has got to give.