Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Long time no update.

Looking for great country gifts?! Christmas is just around the corner
Why not buy your Christmas presents at

First I have to say R.I.P Mr. Cunningham and June Cleaver. I remember watching Happy Days and Leave it to Beaver on TV land, Just three days ago I introduced my daughter to Leave it to beaver on Netflix :-(

The other night my son decided to pull an all nighter, I think I got about 1.5 hours of sleep the entire night. Luckily my wonderful husband let me go to sleep when he woke up around 9 a.m
When I awoke around 12:30 the house was empty. My dear husband had taken both the kids out for a walk and then to the grocery store and left me a to do list that had things like "Take a bath and read a book" and "Do something to make yourself laugh" so on and so forth, he really is wonderful.

When last night rolled around however, I was still tired from only getting three hours of sleep the previous afternoon that I almost fell asleep during Dancing With The Stars, thankfully I have a dvr and recorded it.
The dances weren't boring mind you, I just have a comfy couch and was exhausted.

I'm not sure who I am rooting for, they are all amazing. Though I will admit the previous dancers were far from great and after the way Michael Bolton talked to Chelsea Hightower, if I had been a fan he would've lost me right there.

My Son is keeping me on my toes these days, last year when my daughter was in preschool he wasn't mobile and I had time to relax. Now however he is crawling all over and standing up while holding on to things, and walking while holding on to things. He's started blowing kisses, waving, clapping his hands, and raising his arms up to say hooray!! I can't believe it he going to be a year old in 18 days.

My daughter is going to be four in January and she is a little ball of fire. She is so smart, she is constantly asking questions or telling us about things and using words that most ten year olds don't even know how to use. She also had a attitude that could rival any fifteen year old. She plays so well with her brother. I am one lucky Mama.

Even thoug

Friday, August 20, 2010

Thanks Free Realm! What a swell group you are. NOT

I've played Free Realms for a little over a year now and I gotta say I loved it, I really did. It turned into a nice luxury for me, the kids would go down for nap or for bed and then I get the dishes or laundry done and hop on Free Realms.

Well I decided yesterday since I had a little cash that I'd splurge a little on myself and buy a $5 station card. I put little man in the moby wrap and held my daughters hand and we walked to the 7-11 around the corner ok so we went for juice and I saw the card and thought, why not I deserve a nice treat right?!

I got home scratched the back off with a penny to find, no code. So I send them a message along with a photo of the back of the card and they tell me I have to take it back to the store. Ok no problem.

So this morning we went back to the store where I was told "Sorry it's already been scratched off you can't return or exchange it"
Well son of a gun, this just sucks.

So I send another message into free realms today and I include a copy of the receipt that not only has my name on it so they can verify that it's my account, but also the date and the price of the card.

They in return tell me they will not put the station cash in my account, then in not so many words accused me of lying to them by saying the card was probably used on another account.

Really free realms, really?! I've been a loyal player on there site. I spent money to get that card, and sure maybe to free realms $5 isn't anything because they make millions of dollars a month. However to me $5 is a lot. Had I known I was going to get screwed over because the card I bought didn't have the code on the back, I never would have bought it.

Well Shame on you Free Realms. I will no longer be playing your game, I'll be sure to let my friends who do play know what happened and well, whoever else reads this blog has been warned.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Splinters are evil things

I'm terrible at updating this thing, but I figured if I didn't update soon the blog police would come arrest me and then throw me in blogger jail.

My three year old daughter recently got a splinter in her foot. Not sure if it was from the deck at her great-aunt and uncles house or if it was from wood chips at the playground. I can't say that I'm surprised she got a splinter in the first place.

I know some of you are thinking "Hey frazzled mom, keep shoes on that kid" Well let me tell you this 1) It's summer, who the heck wants shoes on in the summer time?! Unless I'm going somewhere, my shoes don't touch my feet. 2) My daughter has recently decided to become a nudist, I have a hard enough time trying to keep underwear on the kid.

But I digress, the child had/has a splinter in her foot. The first night we attempted to remove it was a long night. I spent about an hour trying to get my son to sleep, finally succeeded only to come down stairs for my husband to tell me about the evil splinter.
So we turned on a kids show, and I had my daughter lay across my lap and my husbanded proceeded to remove the splinter. Boy did she ever scream and flail, I thought for sure someone would call the cops on us. After an hour my husband got most of the splinter out, but due to little one kicking her feet half the splinter broke and part of it was still lodged in her foot. We get her calm and happy and finally to sleep.

We gave her a night to cool off and then proceeded last night after getting little man off to bed. This time she, the memory of the first night still fresh in her mind, my daughter started screaming before anyone even touched her foot. This time she added to the processes by screaming and pointing to my husband telling him "Your a bad dad" poor guy, then she screamed at me "You're not my best friend, no one is my friend" This lasted for over an hour as her screams continued to wake her brother up till I smartened up and turned the air conditioner on upstairs, worked like a charm, a little white noise was all he needed.
My husband got almost the rest of the splinter out.

So unfortunately we have another night of trying to remove that splinter, if we fail it may be time to bring her to the Dr. and let him work his magic.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Ok whose slipping me caffeine?!

This kid, this crazy crazy son of mine. There is something seriously wrong with his internal clock. I've finally gotten him to sleep in his own bed at night and well Friday night he woke every four hours and then thanks to his sister hollering up the stairs, he decided to get up at three a.m

Tonight...er last night he slept six hours straight and then as soon as it hit three he woke up, I got him back to sleep twice but his hands instinctively go to his face and head and his rubs or scratches and wakes himself up.

So I tried to put him in bed next to me and the child just blew bubbles on my boob and kicked me repeatedly till I got up.

Something has got to give.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Well Poop

Today my daughter stayed home from school with a case of pink eye which I suspect she picked up over the weekend at a friends birthday party that was held where there were several bounce castle.
Earlier she asked if she could help do the laundry and I said she could...I just had to wash poop out of my washing machine and I am running it empty and then I have to re-wash the clothes that were in there, including the underwear she took off and threw in there while I wasn't looking.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Part two

For a year and a half we lived in a charming two bedroom home with a nice yard and far away from the road. Sure it got a little cold in the winter but we bought a space heater and it worked out just fine.

Well this past summer some critters got up into our roof and tore out the insulation. Many times we asked our land lady to fix the problem and then two days before my son was born, husband once again asked her to fix the hole in the roof and get the critters out and she flipped out on him and told us we were not invited back when our lease was up and that we were making it up.

That was in November, let's skip ahead to the day before we went into the hospital. My husband found our current house and we spent the next month packing and getting everything ready to move. We sent our landlady and letter and pictures of the roof and haven't heard a thing since.

The week we moved it snowed and rained the entire week, our basement flooded but luckily we didn't loose much and now here we are in this beautiful two story, three bedroom home. That is not only warm but larger then the last house.

My son is now awake.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hey remember me?!

It's been far too long. Since the last time I actually wrote an update more then a few sentences long
  • My son had RSV and we had a horrible hospital experience and believe you me I am going to write about it.
  • We moved from a cramped. cold house to a big warm house
  • My son go sick again.
So I have been pretty busy.

So we'll play a little catch up now.

or later tonight because my kids ALWAYS know when I am about to get into something for a bit and wake up from their naps and I can hear them both stirring and since I can type super fast here is the short version for now.

Son had fever, took him to the dr., she said he had RSV but sent us to the hospital for a high heart rate. They said he didn't have it, bullied us for an hour and a half to let him have a spinal tap. Didn't want to do it but finally caved, he didn't have what they were testing us for and to this day we just feel like the crappiest parents in the world.

Wanted us to let them keep him over night and told us if we didn't we were "taking your baby home to die" yep that's right, a Dr. told us this.

He did end up having RSV, I stayed with my son and didn't let him out of my sight. The first night he slept next to me because if I put him down the monitor said his oxygen levels were down and heart rate went up, when I held him his oxygen levels were at 100% and his heart rate was normal.

I was told this was a fluke though three different monitors said the same thing thank you very much.

Then my son was put into an oxygen tent because they didn't want him to sleep next to me which I was ok with because it gave my arms and back a break.

They wanted me to wake him up every two hours to feed him which just caused him to be mad because he USED to sleep seven hours straight, and he needed his rest.

The last night we were there the monitor kept going off because it was for newborn and he would find a way to get it off his foot. I wanted them to put a new one on so I could sleep because he turns himself side ways when his sleep elevated but the nurse didn't want to change it or listen to the beeping so she SHUT THE DOOR.

I wanted him to be able to sleep so I shut it off and just decided to stay awake, it was around Three in the morning, I remember because I was super tired and it's a good thing I did stay awake because he did in fact turn himself and his face was smooshed against the plastic of his wall tent, if I had gone back to sleep my son would have died.
The nurse finally came back around five in the morning and put a new monitor on him.

The next morning after four days of being in the hospital we finally go to leave.

Ok my kids are awake now so I'll have to finish this tonight, or tomorrow when my daughter is at school and my son will hopefully be sleeping.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I have returned, for the moment

I have not left you I promise. We have recently moved and do I have a lot of things to write about. Before the week is out I promise! ....But not right now because my little one has awakened and needs his mama.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

RSV *edit*

I have not abandoned my blog, but I am in the hospital with my son. He has RSV and is currently in an oxygen tent. We have been here since Thursday and will be going home tomorrow!

Apparently I have lost the ability to spell lol. So this post was edited for spelling.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Sleepless night

When my son was first born he would sleep anywhere from four to five hours a night before waking up to eat, then for the last two months he would sleep anywhere from six to eight hours a night pretty good for an almost three month old (Friday). He always woke up at 5:30 then slept for two more hours.

However the last two nights he has woken up at three and decided that he wants to wake up earlier then 5:30 and stay awake. Now the first night wasn't so bad as it was 4:30 and I brought him out into the living room where he promptly fell asleep on me around 5:30. We both got another hour and a half of sleep.

Last night he woke up at 3:30 and I tried in vain to get him to go back to sleeping, finally I once again brought him into the living room and I know they say not to do this but when you are exhausted you will try anything. So I Promptly put him in his swing and turned it on and by 5:00 he was asleep.

As I snuggled in my snuggly under a thick quilt and started my way back to dream land, Five minutes later I heard my daughter crying out "Daddy, Daddy" My husband was still passed out and it didn't wake him but it sure woke me. I made my way down the hall to pick her up and she asked to sleep with us, I explained to her that I was sleeping in the living room but she could still sleep in our bed if she wanted to.

Fifteen minutes later I hear her start coughing and she vomited all over our sheets. My husband brought her into the bathroom to clean her up while I changed the sheets and then promptly tried again to fall asleep. Ten minutes later she again started coughing and the processes of cleaning her up and changing sheets started again, except this time she needed her clothes changed. As my husband was changing my daughter, he looked over at my son...and turned off...the swing. *blinks* less then a minute later my son started screaming.

I quickly picked him up and got him back to sleep and then laid him down in his little chair and he thankfully stayed asleep.

My daughter coughed a few more times before falling asleep and as I closed my eyes I looked at the clock 6:30 and knew that I had to get up in an hour to get my daughter ready for school.

Unfortunately however my poor daughter woke up with a temp of 103.00 it has gone down since to 102.5 but I wont stop worrying until it's in the 90's. She is asleep next to me fighting it off.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Out of the mouths of babes...

Last week we finally removed the Christmas tree from the house, my husband enjoyed having it up but over the last month I had started removing the ornaments and packing them away until next Christmas. As my husband was taking my daughter to preschool Friday morning she gave out a little sigh, my husband asked her what the matter was to which she replied "The Christmas tree is all alone and he's crying"

My husband pointed out that the Christmas tree wasn't alone, that there were many tree's around. "Your right she said, he's not crying anymore he's happy.

That night although she seemed to be acting like her usual giggly self, she promptly stopped and vomited on the living room rug twice, once in the bathroom, and then projectile vomited once more on the living room floor. Then she ran around like nothing happened. However she did end up coughing her head off for about three hours after.

Saturday morning she lounged on the couch, she had a fever that got up to 102.00 and you could just tell that she didn't feel well at all. She didn't want to drink and she hardly ate anything at all. She just cuddled up on my lap for the better part of the day.

On Sunday she was her usual self and went to the grocery store with my husband, where she had gotten a treat. My husband bought her a small bag that contained three ring pops, I cringed when I saw the sticky treat but she had behaved well and earned them. At one point my husband said to her "I proposed to Mommy with a ring pop", my daughters face lit up with joy and responded "That's lovely"

Later that evening as my daughter and husband were in the kitchen cooking up something yummy, my husband jokingly put a chip clip in my daughters hair. Her response? "No Daddy, only elastics go in the hair" then she looked at him seriously and said "Let me tell you something about elastics" and proceeded to explain to him how they worked.

She is far too cute.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Someone's in hot water.

This morning while feeding my son, my three year old daughter deemed it necessary to reach out and grab my boob...lovely. Yes my child got quite the giggle out of it and beamed with joy as she bounced away to tell my husband.

However as she decided that she couldn't wait until after he had finished his shower, and apparently had forgotten what she had gone in there to tell him. Instead she saw paper in the toilet and yes folks, she decided to reach out her hand and push down that silver handle.

Now we live in a teeny tiny house, so I heard my husband loud and clear when he screamed out and though he'll never admit it, he did in fact sound like a girl when he screamed which made my daughter laugh even harder.

A child's laughter is so adorable that it's hard to be mad at them.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two Bites for me, the rest for you!

This morning after trying for over two hours to get both my three year old daughter and my two month old son happy, I finally got to make myself some breakfast. It wasn't the greatest tasting oatmeal but it was easy to make and steaming hot when it came out of the microwave. After adding a little brown sugar to the bowl, it made my entire kitchen smell divine. For the first time in months I was going to be able to enjoy a warm meal. I was so ecstatic.

Apparently I'm not the only one who thought so. After getting to take two bites of my almost delicious oatmeal, my bladder decided that I needed to take a bathroom break...why is it that your bladder always decides it's full right at the most inconvenient times?!

Upon leaving the bathroom to return to what I assumed would now be semi-warm oatmeal, I returned to find my bowl empty. That's right, you guessed it, my three year old daughter had eaten my breakfast, and what hadn't made it to her mouth was now scattered all over the floor.

The ironic part is that my husband and I have been trying in vain for the last year to get our daughter to sit down and eat everything on her plate.